Music is my medicine

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.


I love music! It makes me relax, fire me up, focus, smile, dance and many other things. Every time we paint or clean up the house with our oldest I ask what kind of music we need for the job. In the beginning she replied “Quiet music” or “Painting music” but last weekend she said “Ve will wock you” while raising her arms. That’s my girl. Queen helped us paint the most rocking unicorn standing by a strawberry.

I grew up with rock music by the likes of Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Doors and Joe Cocker. That’s the kind of songs that still can bring back fond memories of my childhood when I stumble across them. Later on I developed my own taste and Michael Jackson blasted through my oversized speakers almost daily during my pre-teen years.

I try to create a home where our daughters experience different types of music to show them how music can have a large effect on many situations. Every weekend starts with either my own “happy” playlist or one of Spotifys positive suggestions to set the tone at our breakfast table. We take the time to silly-dance to the enjoyment of both participants and any spectators 🙂

When our youngest was born I loved to lay skin-to-skin with her while listening to old school danish classics like Katrine Gisline – Pigen og Millionæren (Klaverkoncert) or Grethe og Jørgen Ingmann – Dansevise.

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